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My OTW designs build of U96

These pages are dedicated to my father (who gave me an interest in WW2 submarine films, most notably Das Boot), Bob Dimmack of OTW designs (who sold me the kit for the boat) and to the seamen on both sides who fought in the battle of the Atlantic. 


June 2005 - Started the build of these pages.

21/07/05 - Was mad enough to tell the world about this site (via the subcommittee forum - am now making an effort as other like minded folk might ant to have a peek!

15/08/05 - I have added a few more pictures and some text today, must charge the camera and take some more!


These web pages are here to show the construction of my type VIIc U boat. Of the 700 odd examples of the type VII, I have chosen to model U96 in 1/32 scale. I thought about modelling U552, the boat commanded by Erich Topp, but then decided that I like the film Das Boot too much to not do U96. 

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From the film 'Das Boot'

Hopefully it will all look like this when the model is finished!

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